Wednesday, December 2, 2009

हर किताब एक नई दुनियां डिस्कवर करती है.

उधर सरकार कहती है कि बच्चों से एक्ज़ाम का बोझ कम करेंगे पर इधर स्कूल हैं कि हर कुछ दिन बाद एक्जाम और टैस्ट लेते रहते हैं. कोई वीकली तो कोई मंथली. हर सोमवार को कुछ बच्चों को बस स्टाप पर स्कूल बस का इंतजार करते करते किताब में घुसे देखती हूँ तो लगता है एक्जाम कम होने की जगह बढ़ते जा रहे हैं.आज कल कैट के चर्चे आम हैं. बड़ा डर लगता है, आज क्लास में कंपीट करो, कल बोर्ड में और परसों ये कैट सैट. क्या कभी इन एक्जाम से फुरसत होगी. पापा को आये दिन प्रेजेंटेशन बनाते देखते हूँ तो लगता है, एक्जाम तो नौकरी में भी पीछा नहीं छोड़ते.खैर, कल मेरे दूसरे टर्म एक्जाम खत्म हुये हैं और मैं खुश हूँ. एक दो दिन पढाई से मुक्ति. कल किताब की दुकान गई और कई सारी किताब खरीदी. अरे पढाई की नहीं, कहानी की, नैंसी ड्रू की क्लोज एनकाउंटरस और एनिड ब्लाएटन की नोटियस्ट गर्ल. लेकिन उन्हें देख पापा कहने लगे, अरे बेटा अपने आप को अपग्रेड करो. कुछ सीरियस पढा करो. डिस्कवरी आफ इंडिया पढो. मैंने कहा, पापा डिस्कवर ही तो हो रहा है सब कुछ, इंडिया हो या दुनियां. हर किताब एक नई दुनियां डिस्कवर करती है.सम्यक भी एक किताब लाई है, एनिड ब्लाएटन की एडवेंचरस आफ विशिंग चैयर. कास हमारे पास भी एक ऐसी चैयर होती जो हमारी विश पूरी करती. क्या विश ? ये तो पता नहीं. अभी तो मुझमें और सम्यक में कम्पटीशन है, कौन पहले किताब पूरी करता है. केवल आज का दिन है, कल से तो फिर वही ब्राउन कवर की टैक्स्ट बुक पढनी हैं.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

आज एक्जाम खत्म हो गये

उधर सरकार कहती है कि बच्चों से एक्जाम का बोझ कम करेंगे पर इधर स्कूल हैं कि हर कुछ दिन बाड़ एक्जाम और टैस्ट लेते रहते हैं. कोई वीकली तो कोई मंथली. हर सोमवार को कुछ बच्चों को बस स्टाप पर स्कूल बस का इंतजार करते करते किताब में घुसे देखती हूँ तो लगता है एक्जाम कम होने की जगह बढ़ते जा रहे हैं.
आज कल कैट के चर्चे आम हैं. बड़ा डर लगता है, आज क्लास में कंपीट करो, कल बोर्ड में और परसों ये कैट सैट. क्या कभी इन एक्जाम से फुरसत होगी. पापा को आये दिन प्रेजेंटेशन बनाते देखते हूँ तो लगता है, एक्जाम तो नौकरी में भी पीछा नहीं छोड़ते.
खैर, कल मेरे दूसरे टर्म एक्जाम खत्म हुये हैं और मैं खुश हूँ. एक दो दिन पढाई से मुक्ति. कल किताब की दुकान गई और कई सारी किताब खरीदी. अरे पढाई की नहीं, कहानी की, नैंसी ड्रू की क्लोज एनकाउंटरस और एनिड ब्लाएटन की नोटियस्ट गर्ल. लेकिन उन्हें देख पापा कहने लगे, अरे बेटा अपने आप को अपग्रेड करो. कुछ सीरियस पढा करो. डिस्कवरी आफ इंडिया पढो. मैंने कहा, पापा डिस्कवर ही तो हो रहा है सब कुछ, इंडिया हो या दुनियां. हर किताब एक नई दुनियां डिस्कवर करती है.
सम्यक भी एक किताब लाई है, एनिड ब्लाएटन की एडवेंचरस आफ विशिंग चैयर. कास हमारे पास भी एक ऐसी चैयर होती जो हमारी विश पूरी करती. क्या विश ? ये तो पता नहीं. अभी तो मुझमें और सम्यक में कम्पटीशन है, कौन पहले किताब पूरी करता है. केवल आज का दिन है, कल से तो फिर वही ब्राउन कवर की टैक्स्ट बुक पढनी हैं.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

रस्किन बांड से मुलाकात

मैं जब मसूरी घूमने गयी तो मेरी इच्छा सुंदर पहाड, झरने और जंगल देखने की तो ठीक हीसाथ ही मेरा मेन था मैं थोडे दिन पहले पढी द ब्लू अम्ब्रेला ( जिस पर बाद में फिल्म भी बनी ) के लेखक रस्किन बांड से मिलूं.बच्चों के चहेते रस्किन बांड यूँ तो अंग्रेज हैं पर इनका जन्म हिमाचल प्रदेश के कसौली में हुआ था और पिछले कई दशक से मसूरी उनका घर है. मैंने पापा से कहा चलो पापा पहले उनसे मिल लेते हैं और पापा भी मान गये. हमें पता था कि वे लंदौर में रहते हैं पर सही पता नहीं था. पर वे मसूरी के सबसे प्रसिद्ध नागरिक हैं सो आसनी से उनका घर मिल गया. मैंने डरते डरते घंटी बजाई, पता नहीं वे मिलेंगे कि नहीं. एक मैडम ने दरवाजा खोला, बताने पर कहा, क्या आपके पास एपांटमेंट है. हमने कहा, नहीं. उन्होंने कहा, उनकी तबियत ठीक नहीं और वे अंदर चली गयीं. हमें लगा कि मिलना होगा नहीं. पर मेरी खुशी का ठिकाना न रहा जब मैंने देखा, उधर से रस्किन बांड चले आ रहे हैं. मैंने, नमस्ते की. उन्होंने मुझसे प्यार से बातें की. मैंने अपनी आटोग्राफ बुक सामने की तो उन्होंने अपने हस्ताक्षर तो किये ही साथ में एक संदेश भी लिख दिया. इतने में पापा ने फोटो खींच ली और हम थैंक्स कह कर लौट आये.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

पेरेंटस के लिये बुरी खबर

These days parents are really sad. And why they won’t be? A big chance for them to scream and shout on their children has been taken away from them by government. No, no, no you are misunderstood. No law that they can’t scold their children is passed. Didn’t you understand?????Oh, I am talking about the transformation to grading system in 10th boards. Now how will parents shout on them to make them study and when they get less marks? Govt. has no right to play with the feelings of parents. They have taken away very big right of parents. Actually not exactly. Did you notice that if students will be put under a lot of pressure during 10th boards and that would be even worse. So parents CHEER UP! You will get a better chance afterwards.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rhyme against Crime

This is a poem about anti-social behaviour,
This can be a saviour.
Don’t go threatening on the phone,
They’ll call the police and you’ll moan.
Don’t go breaking anything,
You’ll get blamed for many things.
Don’t break any glass at all,
The police and parents will get involved.
Street drinking isn’t allowed,
By the police you’ll be found.
Don’t go making any gangs,
Through the police you’ll get banned.
Don’t think hoodies are so cool
They make you look like a fool
The jail’s not a good place I can tell,
It can feel like you are in hell.
Now I think you will know,
How you can stay away from an ASBO!
By: Shivangi Sharma, my dear little sister

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Crop of Revolution

Whenever there is birthday of any film star, all TV channels rant happy birthday to you! But when it comes to heroes of our freedom struggle, they are not remembered.
I was standing in front of paternal house of Bhagat Singh at Khatkarkalan in district of Nawashahar, Punjab, thinking how anyone can be so passionate for independence of his country that he can sacrifice his life for it. Indeed it is very difficult for our generation who has breathed in independent India to understand this. Bhagat Singh, born on 28th ( or 27th ) September, 1907 who later got the title of ‘Shahid-e-Azam’ (Supreme Martyr) was one of the most inspiring freedom fighters of the country.
In age when we roam around, he at the age of just 24 was hanged on 23rd March, 1931. At that time he was more popular than Gandhi and became a youth icon in his life time. Much bigger icon than any of the film stars today. Youth of those times wanted to become like him.
I think of the child who sowed guns believing that a crop of guns will be there. That may have been his fantasy but he grew a crop of revolution with likeminded youth who were ready to kill and get killed for the sake of mother India. Jalianwala massacre happened in 1919 and left 12 year old Bhagat Singh restless and his mission was set for rest of his life. He joined legends like Chandra Shekhar Azad and devoted his life for country and here we complain on any advice from parents, “ye meri life hai!
Most important what our generation can learn from Bhagat Singh is that he did not do anything in excitement. All his acts from killing of Saunders to throwing bomb in assembly were thoughtful actions. He could have run away from assembly after throwing bomb but he opted to get arrested clearly aiming to use his trial in court as forum to spread his thoughts among the youths of the country.
And he was successful in motivating thousands of youth in his life and death. He is relevant even today when we need such selfless leaders. He was an ideal, not only for the youngsters of that time but is still followed by many youngsters of India even today. Particularly those who join armies and defend our borders.
Back from pilgrimage to his home, I feel happy that he is still favorite hero of Punjab when it comes to pasting a sticker on back of your car. But is there Bhagat Singh beyond sticker?
If youths as shown in films like rang de basanti are his todays` edition! I don`t think so. We can make place for us whichever field we go. We should always lighten up the name and fame of our country. Youngsters like Bhagat Singh, sacrificed their lives so that people like us can live peaceful and independent lives and so that India can become “saare jahan se achchhaa”. We can’t let their sacrifice go waste. Come on! Gen next; let us pledge to launch another freedom struggle, for freedom from clutches of illiteracy, divisions of caste and religion and many other ills of our society. If Bhagat Singh could do it, you can do it too.

My Friends

In my last post I expressed my opinion on what I feel friendship is.I also have friends. I have more than hundred friends. But, according to me who have influenced me the most are a few of them and I find myself lucky having them.
My most important friend is my sister, Samyak who is 5 years younger to me but still, I think she is wiser than me and stops me whenever I am wrong. She is my strength and my weakness. She is not at all like me, but just my opposite but I still love her.
The next two are the ones who have influenced my life and my deeds the most and are very important part of my life. One of them when I met first became my worst enemy of the whole school in fourth standard. Her name is Dikshita, and seriously had a very good personality. With being a very good student she was and is a good singer also but was also very rude according to me. She has been a straight forward girl and I don’t like it at all. As the days went my hate for her grew and finally in sixth-seventh standard, our enmity was at the top of the world and now the most important reason was our competition. But, this competition later changed our enmity into friendship and later, we became best friends. How that happened, I never came to know.
The next one whom I consider more my sister than friend is Neha, with whom I regularly have a fight. She is not exactly straight forward but sometimes become so. She is a tall girl and really wise and helpful girl and I think this is the most important thing why I like her as my dear ‘Eiffel Tower’. I met her for the first time in 5th standard and hated her for about six –seven months but after that I started liking her and eventually we became very good friends. I loved staying with her and teasing her. And the most interesting thing was that she and Dikshita hated each other a lot even after, Dikshita became my friend. I did a lot of wrong things to her but still she remained my friend and I am really thankful to her for that. Now, the day, 20th March, 2008 came when I had to leave Dikshita and Neha and go from Jalandhar to Lucknow. And that was after coming to Lucknow, that I realized how special they were for me. I came to know that they were really my best friends. Now, about two years of my coming here also they are my best friends and know each and everything about my present life. The two have now become friends and I am happy for them. These days I am feeling that that the end of our friendship is coming near but still I love them.

A few of my friends will be told about in the next post.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Friends of different feather flock together

Friends are the part of life which can change the path of one’s life also. Every person in this world has friends, whether good or bad, selfish or helpful, we like them. But, true friends are those which stay with you, even in the hardships of life and always take you on the right path. Friends, if are good can make you good and if are bad can make you bad.
People say “Birds of a feather flock together”, meaning those of similar taste congregate in groups, but I don’t believe it. According to me, your friends need not be already similar to you, friends become same when they stay together. I have seen the most intelligent students being friend with the most stupid, the most arrogant and rude being friend with the most polite and down to earth people. But, I have seen most polite people becoming rude with rude and most stupid becoming most intelligent with intelligent. We do not say we should reject and hurt people who are not nice, but we say that you give them their habits and values but don’t take theirs.
Friends should be made after seeing whether they can become true friend or not and whether they will help us in the long run, because if you make friends that make you friend just for a time pass will always just hurt you. We should always give more importance to people who are faithful to you and consider you as their friend, than whom you consider your friend.
People who have a lot of true friends and who accepts them as they are, is the luckiest person in the world.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Who am I

चिट्ठाजगत अधिकृत कड़ीI was being sent away from my father, maker, and caretaker to a new world of strangers. I asked my father, “Have I done something wrong that you are sending me so far away?”
He politely replied, “No, my child! You are my life. But, I have so many children that I can’t look after each and every one of you. So, for your welfare and proper care, I am sending you there. You will have new parents, new friends and a totally new life. You would not miss me .You will love that place .I have made it beautiful. I will always look after you from here. Remember, don’t do bad deeds, otherwise I will punish you when you will come back. Whenever you miss me or you are in trouble, close your eyes and think of me, I will help you. Now, get ready. Your time to leave has come now” and he disappeared.
I was very curious to meet those new people. I had been told that new place would be very beautiful and lovely place full of innocent and honest people same as my father. I was nervous that how would I be able to live without him. Who would take care of me? Then the time came for me to leave. Suddenly I was lifted up and suddenly dropped down. I had left my home and was on a long journey. I was going on a long vacation. Vacation to Earth. This day was 5th August 1995.
When my eyes opened I was on Earth, surrounded by people of different faces, clothes and ways. They were speaking some strange language. I was lying in a cradle and a lady in white dress was swinging my cradle. Nearby, there was a nice lady lying on a bed. I started crying because of this different world. I was picked up, made quite and taken to a man standing outside. He took me in arms and kissed me gently. He said,”Mera bacha!” I didn’t know what he meant. The language was very unfamiliar to me. Then after few days, I was taken to a new house. The house was small but nice and cozy. Although, the lady and the man loved me a lot, but still, I missed my former father a lot. I used to imagine whether these were my parents. I was taken to many new places and everyone in those houses played with me. Now, I was also tired of playing. One day, when we had come back to our original house where I was first brought, I saw some arrangements in my house. The house was being decorated. After some time, a man wearing a long cloth with naked upper body came to our house. A bonfire was burnt and the man started speaking something loudly. Some discussions w were there and then I heard the name, which was going to decide my future and had to do a lot with my future. The name was ‘Sambhav’.
The days went on. People called me by the name ‘Sambhav’. I met more and more people as the days went. The words I used to listen the most were “Papa bolo” or “mumma bolo”. And finally I started understanding their language and uttering some words like mummy, papa etc.
Near my house, there lived a family of 4. The girl in that family used to come to my house and play with me. She was also like me, without teeth and was not able to walk. She became my first friend.
After few days, I started crawling. Then after some more days I stood up. Then, about at the age of 9 months, I started walking. This made a lot of excitement in my family. My mother was full of pleasure when she saw me walking. I don’t know what made her so happy? Did she think I would never walk?
After a month or so, I had severe pain in my jaw. This made me cry. My mother came to me and made me sleep. When I woke up, I saw that I had a half grown tooth in my jaw. When my mother saw that tooth, there was another round of happiness.
And in this way, a year went away. I could now understand my parent’s language and could even speak some words. After exactly one year of my birth, I again saw decorations at our house and the same man who came earlier wearing a long cloth came to my house .He burnt a bonfire again and spoke something for some time. Two or three boxes in colored paper were given to me. I didn’t want to know what was there in the wraps. What I wanted was just that colored paper to play with. It looked attractive.
Like this two more years went away. We used to go on vacations and celebrate festivals. Diwali crackers and Holi colors made me enjoy a lot.
Now I knew how to speak the language my parents spoke. I used to run and play outside the house. I used to run here and there in my house. Then one day I saw some children in same dresses going to nearby building with bags. My friend also used to go there. A desire to go to that building came in my heart. I went to my mother and said that I also wanted to go to that building. My mother told me that it was a school where children went to read and write. The next day, I took my mother’s bag and went on my way to that school. My mother brought me back and locked the gate. This started happening daily. After a few weeks, I was taken to that school, but the teacher said that I was too small and not eligible to join school. But, still the event of my taking the purse and going off was repeated daily.
After one year, I was taken to school again. This time, I got admission there. The next day, I was sent to that school. But, unfortunately I didn’t enjoy it a bit because I could not live without my mother even for some time. I used to stand on the gate and cry a lot.
Then, one day my mother told me that if I would not study, I would not get any job when I grow up and would have no money to buy food. She explained me why were studies important.
From the next day, I started studying nicely in school and didn’t cry at all. I had a lot of fun at school.
But, one day I was told that we were going away from that city. From my birthplace, Allahabad to Kanpur. Packing of things was done and they were put in a truck. We went to Kanpur by train.

To be continued in next post.